
I use balloonexpr feature in order to display some grabbed informations of 
content of file.
Nota : the balloonexpr function uses search inner func of Vim to search for 
informations (like line number of begin/end block code)

The functionnality runs for a while and I don't know why after some failure 
normal search or some time, the balloonexpr is not evaluated/called anymore.

1/ This balloonexr function is enabled by autocommand event triggers:

> function! awl#autocmd() "{{{
>   augroup Awl
> au! Awl
> au BufEnter *.awl set filetype=awl
> au BufEnter *.awl call s:enableballoon()
> au BufLeave *.awl call s:disableballoon()
>   augroup END
> endfunction "}}}

2/ The enabling balloon func consists in setting some of help's advises:

function! s:enableballoon() "{{{
>   call <SID>trace('enable balloon')
>   set ballooneval balloonevalterm            <---
>   set balloonexpr=awl#BalloonExpr()       <---
>   let s:winid = 0
>   let s:balloonText = ''
> endfu

3/ Balloonexpr is *not called after a while* or *fail search*:

> function! awl#BalloonExpr() "{{{
> Thank you

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