On 2020-09-19 16:43, 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use wrote:
> > - the thing looked for in the s// command  
> This is actually where I was wanting to use the contents of
> g/first/.  ;-)
>> Using the :norm method, you don't have the two boundary regexen
>> to change the most-recently-used-search, so the regex in the :g
>> can be preserved into the :s// command so you don't have to
>> duplicate it.  
> If I'm understanding you correctly, the following regex could be
> used:
>     :g/aaa/?^$\|\%^?,/^$\|\%$/s::bbb:g

The problem is that here you have four different searches.  Empty
patterns (in the :s// command) reuse the most recent one:

  :g/aaa/ ?^$\|\%^? , /^$\|\%$/ s::bbb:g
      1       2           3       4

The most-recent-search gets set to "aaa" (1), then set to "^$\|\%^"
(2), then set to "^$\|\%$" (3), leaving (3) as the most-recent for
reuse in the :s command at (4) which isn't what you want.  You could
simplify in the opposite direction, making your pattern *any*
paragraph-boundary and reusing it instead:

  :g/aaa/ ?^$\|\%^\|\%$? , // s:aaa:bbb:g
      1         2          3

(reusing #2 at #3)

Which is also why it *does* work for the :norm version because that
one doesn't tromp on the most-recent-search like the
range-relative-to-each-match version does.  Similarly, if your
relative range didn't involve searching such as


it would work.

> >    :g/G\(C*\)G/norm vip:s//T\1T/g^V^M  
> This seems like the typical subset mentioned above used in
> conjunction with the "last search pattern" (nomenclature?).

For more on this (though its prose could use a little reworking for
additional clarity)

  :help last-pattern

> Thank you Tim.  As always you make it easy to learn new things.  :-)

I find it fun, so there's that. :-)


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