On Feb 3, 2014, at 8:11 PM, Ryan Eisworth <rya...@mac.com> wrote:
> In addition, I have noticed a new issue. The power key on the keyboard does 
> nothing within the OS. Apple-Control-Power does not restart the machine, 
> Apple-Power does not interrupt, and the power key by itself does not bring up 
> the shutdown dialog box. A friend suggested the IIci, being an early ADB Mac, 
> may not have the interrupts for this stuff in place, and I can't remember if 
> they used to work or not.

Yes, the keyboard power button should power it down from the OS as well as 
power it up from cold. You may want to check the pins between your ADB ports 
and on back. C2 and C3 can leak their goo down there and kill the ADB traces. 
Connecting the soft power pin (pin 2) to ground (pin 4) should power it on.

- Dylan

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