on 8/29/01 5:38 PM, (Vintage Macs) at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I'm surprised you haven't gotten it sooner or at
>> least HEARD of it before
>> now. It's the Sircam virus that everybody's been
>> whining about. I have
>> gotten it about four times. And I just sit back and
>> feel very smug and
>> superior, since I use a Mac and am therefore immune.
> Not to be alarmist but don't get too comfy. A recent
> article suggested that Outlook Express for Mac will
> soon be getting variants of the virii. All that
> cross-platform functionality may come back to haunt
> us.

Well, as of last night I decided that I was fed up with Entourage (same as
Outlook) and was going back to Eudora. There are some minor details I liked
better about the Entourage, but mostly it's getting on my nerves. And I like
the filters in Eudora better. But last night, as soon as I inserted the Zip
disk that has Eudora on it, my computer bombed. Thereafter it wouldn't boot
until I removed the Zip disk. I think someone from M$ may be trying to
manipulate me from above... :P


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