I was typing a text message to my husband, and I believed I had mistyped the 
first letter in the text field, so went back to check, using the characters 
function of the rotor, and VoiceOver did not give me the military term for the 
letter. I forget what the name for this is, but the letter I typed was V, and I 
did not hear the word Victor, as I expected. I just got VoiceOver saying the 
letter. I turned off VoiceOver, and turned it back on again, then tried doing 
this again in the messages text field, and the same thing happened. I even 
tried opening notes and doing it there, and got the same results. But when I 
typed in the to field for this email, I got the expected behavior of VoiceOver 
announcing the word after the letter. I'm going to see if the same thing 
happens with the subject and body of this email.

Everything worked as expected when I checked the subject and body fields of the 
email, so I'm not sure what's going on. Can others test for this, particularly 
in The messages and notes apps, and report back?

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