I've had better success in turning off voice over first and then using Siri like a sighted person to send texts. So, if I really want to use her, I turn off voice over, I press and hold home. When it beeps I say text blah and the message. she responds with the message and if she should send it, I simply say yes without having to tap the listen button and it gets sent.

Although i like Siri very much for many things, I can honestly say that texting isn't one of them. But as I said, when I do, this is what works better.

Raul A. Gallegos
That awkward moment when you try to pull open a drawer and the knob comes off.
Home Page: http://raulgallegos.com
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On 9/27/2012 3:07 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
Hello Iona,

Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about.  I discovered it a couple of
days ago.

To those of you who may not know, When using Siri to send a text message,
the screen locks before completing the process.  It does not matter how long
the auto-lock is set.

If the message is short enough, only one word, for instance, Siri may
successfully send the text message.  It may also work the first time you
attempt to send a message after powering on the device.  However, subsequent
attempts with messages containing more than 5 words or so, will time out
before the message can be sent.

To create the bug, do the following:

I use the center button on the included iPHone wired headset to interact
with Siri.

Launch Siri and say something like, "Send a message to Mark Taylor."  Siri
will reply with something like, "You said, send a message to Mark Taylor.
OK.  I can send a message to Mark Taylor for you.  What would you like it to
say?"  At this point, a text message dialog box is displayed and Siri will
say something like, "To, Mark Taylor."

Initiate the Siri command and say something like, "Hi Mark.  How is your
day?  I hope you are well."  Siri will respond with something like, "You
said, Hi Mark.  How is your day?  I hope you are well.  I updated your
message.  Ready to send it?  Reply with cancel or send."

For me more often than not, the screen locks at this point, before I can
send the message.  I have also experienced the scenario when, after
initiating Siri and saying, "Send," Siri will respond with something like,
"You said Send.  Okay, I will send it for you," only to lock the screen,
losing the message before it can be sent.

I strongly encourage those of you who have or can reproduce this bug to
either send a message to Apple at accessibil...@apple.com or call their
accessibility hotline at: 877-204-3930.

Please feel free to use any part of this post.


-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Ioana Gandrabur
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:31 AM
To: Viphone
Subject: Sending messages with Siri I'm having a problem


Does anyone have a problem sending messages with Siri? I am having trouble
telling it that it is okay and go ahead and send it

Sent from my iPhone

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