You're going to need test flight installed on your phone before installing the E-speak beta. If you don't have test flight you'll be taken to the app store to get it where you can join the beta test for this app. The easiest way to do this is to open the link I'll include in this email on your phone which takes you to the apple vis blog post about the beta. In the blog post is the test flight link which you will click and take it from there. It's pretty straight forward from there. Once you get the app installed, go to accessibility, voice over, speech and you'll see the E-speak voices along with all others you can choose from. You can sample each one before switching to it. As they release new betas, you'll be notified by test flight and can install those. This is really cool because it opens the door for endless opportunities when it comes to other voices that could eventually come to the iPhone.

On 11/4/2022 6:54 AM, Star Gazer wrote:
Get me smart, from the ground up, what steps do I need to take to do this?

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Maria 
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 8:20 PM
To:; Gordon <>
Subject: Re: E-speak now available to test IOS

Oh wow, E-Speak for iOS? Maybe I should check that out! I honestly wish Ivona 
hadn't gone to the Harpo store because I would've loved to have my favorite 
Ivona voices for iOS. I especially loved the Amy voice, that was my all-time 
favorite voice along with the Vocalizer Kate voice, the British voice.


On 11/3/2022 4:26 AM, Gordon wrote:
I got this from the top tech tid bits email this morning. You must
install test flight to do this, but when you get the app installed,
you'll find the voices in settings accessibility and will sample and
change them just like you would if you wanted to change any other
voices. It's actually pretty cool and works well. The only thing you
can't do right now is change the speech volume through the rotor, but
I did submit feedback to the developer about this. but there are a tun
of voices to choose from. Here's the link

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