
I echo that which the other posters suggested regarding this issue. I just wanted to add along with their thoughts that sometimes the cart is very very slow to update and I've found the best way to be sure that an item has truly been deleted if it seems to still be persisting in appearance is to back out of your cart and come back into it other wise you can think you're still deleting the errant item but end up deleting something you didn't wish to delete. I have done it more times than I can count I assure you.

So perhaps that will help. I wish they had a more direct way to communicate accessibility issues to their app developers. I also wish once a shopper was favorited those using Voiceover could access the "heart which signifies this favorited status in case one wishes to change it. It'd also be nice when scheduling with favorite shoppers if we could select them by name and I've attempted to communicate this and other accessibility concerns to them whenever they arise.

I am sorry for the inconveniences this app sometimes presents.

Take good care,


On 1/7/2024 12:42 PM, sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all:

I needed to remove an item from an open Instacart order. I ended up having to use the computer, and not use Voiceover on my phone. I even tried screen rec with no luck. Is there a trick to this?

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