Hi Eric,

I installed the drupal vad package, and I'm pretty sure I have the right
connection string in settings.php

First of all i am assuming you read the following article:

http://ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/ODS/ OdsIntegrationDrupal

$db_url = 'odbc://dba:dba@Virtuoso/drupal';
$db_prefix = 'drupal.drupal.';

'Virtuoso' being a system data source using the driver 'Virtuoso (Open
Source') -- working fine in a .Net application.

The error that Drupal throws is:
Warning: odbc_connect() [function.odbc-connect]: SQL error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in C:\Program
Files\virtuoso-opensource\vsp\vad\vsp\drupal\includes \database.odbc.inc
on line 63

As per the above Wiki link, the drupal vad package is pre-configured to use the DSN "Local Virtuoso", so i would like you to create that DSN, using either the Windows ODBC Administrator or using the conductor by going to:

        Database | External DataSources | Configure Data Sources

I figured out that maybe PHP wouldn't be able to read a system DNS, so I
set up another data source in the user DNS' section. Same results.

No it can use both system and user DSNs.

Actually, where is the PHP interpreter? Is it all contained in
hosting_php.dll / libphp5.dll? I have a PHP5 installation on my
computer, but is it using it at all?

Since virtuoso needs some build flags in the php build environment that are not on by default, we use the combination of hosting_php.dll and libphp5.dll plus a very big set of loadable modules which can be enabled in the php.ini.

It will not use your installed version of PHP.


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