Hi Matteo,

I am running a virtuoso OSE 6.1.2 on an old box, and now
I am in the process to move the data on a newer machine, and maybe it's time to upgrade to 6.1.3.

Is it possible to move the database files (or perform the backup with the instructions at [2])
and get the newer machine run on the old data?

I read at the page [1] that the only "problem" regards the transaction logs, is it right?

Matteo Moci

[1] http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/UpgradingToVOS610#Upgrading to a newer VOS 6.1.x from an earlier VOS 6.1.x
[2] http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/backup.html


There is no conversion or backup/restore needed to go from VOS 6.1.2 to 6.1.3 except to make sure that you have shutdown your database with the 6.1.2 binary. If there is a virtuoso.trx file with a non-zero length, the 6.1.3 executable will fail to start.

The database file itself is machine independent, so after you have done a shutdown of the database, you can copy it direct to the new machine and start it with the new 6.1.3 executable.


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