On 4/16/12 1:38 PM, Will Daniels wrote:
OK forget this, it's definitely a PHP problem.

Sorry for the noise.


Yes, but we get the blame for everything :-)

Now I have to ponder about what's making Debian feel it makes sense to move away from iODBC .


On 16/04/12 12:37, Will Daniels wrote:

I came across this mail from Fred Giasson in the SF list archive [1]:

Hi Everybody,

I am facing long read issue with one of my server (when sparqling). The
server runs:

(1) Virtuoso 5.12.3041
(2) PHP 5.3.2
(3) It uses the default unixodbc drivers that comes with ubuntu
(4) I am using DB.DBA.SPARQL_EVAL to wrap the sparql queries via the

So, basically, the problem is that long values get truncated at 4070
bytes (which is Virtuoso's max, after this it is supposed to get into a
blob, but apparently that it has some issues reading it), and then
garbage is added after these 4070 (some kind of stack overflow) bytes.

I tested:

(1) I tested a full set of parameters in odbc_connect (the flag). To
increase the defaultlrl php.ini setting, to play with the binmode, to
use the odbc_longreadlen() api call, etc. Nothing works.
(2) I confirm that I don't have this issue when using iSql/Conductor
(probably since it uses vsp&   iodbc)

I want to know:

(1) if there is some ways to fix this using some PHP API
(2) if this is a bug, and if this has been fixed in 5.14
(3) if this will only works with iodbc drivers


Take care,


I'm stuck with the same problem using Virtuoso 6.1.5 on PHP 5.3 (albeit using
SQL directly, not SPARQL). Symptoms are the same, no matter what I have tried, I
simply cannot get PHP's ODBC implementation to read LONG NVARCHAR columns with
Virtuoso ODBC driver. I also get some junk at the end of the data same as Fred

I'm using PHP with unixODBC (because iODBC is apparently "going away" in Debian)
but I don't see that it ought to make any difference. If it would, I can
consider changing to iODBC, but that would be quite disruptive to my work so I'd
rather not try it just on the off-chance.

If anybody at OpenLink (or elsewhere) has any suspicions about where exactly the
problem here lies (PHP, unixODBC, Virtuoso, some connection parameter...) I can
do my part to try to patch etc. but I could really use some pointers for where
to start looking.


[1] https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=27447958

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Kingsley Idehen 
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