Hi Henrik,

The “MaxQueryCostEstimationTime"param should never be set in the INI file in 
production use as it is used for Cost Optimizer estimates  and are generally 
not accurate and is more a development/debug param. Thus the only one that 
should be set to control query execution time is “MaxQueryExecutionTime".

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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> On 6 Dec 2017, at 09:03, Henrik Schmidt <h...@informatik.uni-kiel.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a way to make good use of MaxQueryCostEstimationTime to prevent
> extremly long running queries ?
> For the 'real' SELECT query we want to use the jena provider but the
> idea is to first ask the SPARQL port 1111 to check whether the query is
> immediately rejected due to MaxQueryCostEstimationTime.
> Of course we do not want the query to than complete on port 1111 in case
> it is not rejected but want to use the jena provider instead.
> On a related note is it possible to get a more specific exception
> instead of 'HTTP 500 error making the query: SPARQL Request Failed' when
> MaxQueryCostEstimationTime is triggered ?
> How accurate is MaxQueryCostEstimationTime ? The virtuoso database is
> running in a tmpfs (ca 50GB RAM) and has about 850 million triples.
> Best,
> Henrik
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