Hi , I am using virtuoso 7 open source edition,

This query below is fast, it return the result instantly,

select *
                WHERE {

                graph <http://localhost:8890/graph> {

                            ?catAtt qq:catId ?catId;
                            qq:caDataType ?caDataType;
                            qq:showInView   ?showInview;
                            qq:valFormat    ?valFormatKey;
                            qq:multiple     ?multiple;
                            qq:position     ?position;
                            qq:link         ?link;
                            qq:catAttName   ?catAttName;
                            qq:setting      ?setting;
                            qq:flag         ?flag;
                            qq:unit         ?caUnit.


                LIMIT 20

This query is so slow, took 10 seconds for the result, the only difference
is the ?catId is replaced with literal value 1 . I thought this should be
faster because it's more specific.

select *
                WHERE {

                graph <http://localhost:8890/graph> {

                            ?catAtt qq:catId 1;
                            qq:caDataType ?caDataType;
                            qq:showInView   ?showInview;
                            qq:valFormat    ?valFormatKey;
                            qq:multiple     ?multiple;
                            qq:position     ?position;
                            qq:link         ?link;
                            qq:catAttName   ?catAttName;
                            qq:setting      ?setting;
                            qq:flag         ?flag;
                            qq:unit         ?caUnit.


                LIMIT 20

Why is it so ? I am still new to sparql and triplestore, seems like I have
to do some indexing on the object ?

I have tried creating the GOPS index with, I don't understand about the
Partition part, is using O correct ? What does that partition mean ?
Creating this index has improved the execution for the second query to 4
seconds, but still too slow for a DBMS.

  ON RDF_QUAD (G, O, P, S)
  PARTITION (O VARCHAR (-1, 0hexffff));

Btw, does virtuoso stored triplet in the regular RDBMS table ? in the
table DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD ? So virtuoso does not have a native storage of
graph ? Or what I don't understand ?


Best regards,

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