At 11:37 AM +0000 8/15/01, Piyush Avichal wrote:

>But the mmk fails with compilation warnings(see below).
>They all seem to be to do with the same thing.
>I have used Compaq C 6.2.
>Any ideas?

Very odd, the name-shortening in the XS processor should have taken
care of this (and it did for me).  Perhaps the quick and dirty
approach would be to edit your descrip.mms and add /NAMES=SHORTENED
to the CFLAGS qualifier list.

>MS_VAX.5_6_1.CORE],perl _root:[lib.site_perl.VMS_
>],usr:[local.include])/Debug/NoOptimize  DBDIMP.c
>        extern void XS_DBD__FreeTDS__st_bind_param_inout(CV *);
>        ............^
>%CC-W-LONGEXTERN, The external identifier name exceeds 31 characters;
>                At line number 180 in

Craig A. Berry                  

"Literary critics usually know what they're
talking about. Even if they're wrong."
        -- Perl creator Larry Wall

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