Douglas B Rupp wrote:
> > However, it now appears that the redirection is being done by bash
> > instead of md4 or dcl.
> In my latter example, that is correct. However I think it wrong to require a
> bash -c wrapper to achieve proper redirection. Perl is a shell, or at least
> a wannabe shell and should handle redirection internally to be maximally
> useful.
> Consider the case of a long command line requiring this redirection. Even
> with a bash -c wrapper, it can't work because the lib$spawn will overflow
> trying to call bash.

I disagree.  Perl is not a shell, it is a scripting language.  It is no
more a shell than a C compiler or a BASIC interpreter is.

One of the security weaknesses in Unix is the presense of shell
metacharacters that can completely alter the function of the command and
the predilection of programmers to simply pass user input onto things
like the "system" function call.  Because of this, programs have been
made to do things completely different from what the programmer

DCL shares very little of this weakness.  If a program calls "system"
with a command using user supplied arguments, the program can be assured
that the command issued is the one that will be executed.  The user
supplied arguments cannot alter what verb got executed.

If you wish a script to alter the way a command is normally interpreted
then it is my opinion that it is the job of your script to make the
necessary adjustments (e.g. prepend PIPE to the command; prepend bash -c
to the command; etc.).  

The system function is documented as simply passing a string to the host
environment to be executed however the host interprets the command.  If
you wish to create a new Perl function that means "evaluate this string
as if it were issued on a Unix system and then set up an environment and
execute it accordingly" please feel free to do so.  But I'd be opposed
to modifying the expectations or operation of "system".

Mark Berryman

Mark Berryman

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