At 12:19 AM -0400 6/7/04, John Malmberg wrote:
>Craig A. Berry wrote:
>>I think what this gets you in that subset of cases for which it even
>>works is a Perl op-tree implemented in C.  In other words, you get a
>>C program that executes the particular stream of Perl byte codes that
>>make up your program.
>To compile Perl directly, you need to interface to a back end code generator. 

True, but we need to define "code" here.  For Perl, it generally
means bytecode that is run on the Perl bytecode engine, which is
roughly equivalent to what Java folks call a virtual machine.  I say
"roughly" because Perl is a dynamically typed language (unlike Java
or C#).  In Perl, "8.341" may just be a string right up until the
point you do arithmetic on it, at which point it becomes a number.

>For OpenVMS, the back end translators used by HP are GEM and VCG, and as far as I 
>know there is no public documentation for either.

Nor is either capable of generating Perl bytecodes :-).

>The Gnat ADA project uses the code generator in GCC for this, and if the other Perl 
>compilers use this, then there may be a way to get this done on OpenVMS.

Good point.  If someone were to target the GCC code generator, and if
this code generator were sufficiently smart enough to generate the
right instructions on Alpha and Itanium (no small task), then there's
no particular reason this wouldn't work as well on VMS as elsewhere.
What I think you'd want to do would be to make a cross assembler, as
it were, one that converts the pseudo-instructions known as Perl
bytecodes into native machine instructions.  And if you were going to
invest the effort required to do that, you'd really want to use the
Perl 6 bytecodes (a clean sheet of paper reimplementation known as
Parrot) rather than Perl 5.  For more on Parrot, which will form the
guts of Perl 6, and most likely some future version of Perl 5, see

But none of this is what was under discussion in the desire to
compile Spamassassin.  The "executable" one would distribute would
not be an OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, or I64 image; instead it would be a
platform-independent stream of bytecodes read off disk and run on the
Perl virtual machine.  This would save you the parsing, syntax
checking, bytecode optimization, and probably a few other steps I'm
forgetting at the moment.  It would not eliminate the virtual
machine.  It would not have any particular speed advantages over a
server process that compiles to bytecode once at start-up and
processes requests continuously until shut down.  It could have some
deployment advantages if bundled with a Perl interpreter -- see
Nicco's post in this thread.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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