Carlos Elias Alves wrote:
Hello, my name Carlos. Iīm from Brazil.

I have problem with station Digital 21164.

I would recommend that you post on the comp.os.vms newsgroup to get more precise information, as this list is for discussing issues with the Perl language on OpenVMS.

They will also need the exact model name that is on the computer system. The name that you have given is not known to me, and may not be precise enough to identify which system that you have.

I lost setup to VMS boot.
My operating system is OpenVMS Version 7,1-2.

That is quite a bit old. The current version is 7.3-2.

I didnīt get configuration the itens: Boot Name, Boot File and Os

You have the console operating system set to Windows NT mode. Those item names are not used with the OpenVMS console.

This means that your system lost it's non-volatile memory or someone changed the configuration.

Iīd like to know how I can do configuration again, because I donīt
information about it due this problem i need somebory help me.

The folks on the comp.os.vms newsgroup would probably be able to give you the level of help that you need.

Personal Opinion Only
  • Setup Carlos Elias Alves
    • Needs console help for unknown ALPHA system (Was: ... John E. Malmberg

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