At 10:30 PM -0500 2/9/05, John E. Malmberg wrote:
>Is there some documentation on how much disk space is needed to build and test 
>Perl normally or in debug?

Not really.  As Michael suggests, it would be a rather large matrix,
and would require a pretty significant effort to maintain.  But
here's what I have for a non-cleaned-up debug build directory of a
recent bleadperl on Alpha:

$ dir/size/grand [...]

Grand total of 500 directories, 5565 files, 671845 blocks.

Obviously that would be less on VAX, and probably more on Itanium,
given the differences in object code size.

>The debug build appears to be very large, this mainly seems to be from the 
>listing files.  A debug build with out the listing files might be easier to 

Once upon a time, /LIST/SHOW=ALL was not quite so generous with the
information it gave you.  But now it gives you, for example, a
complete 15-page listing of all possible compiler messages and it
gives it to you again in each listing file.  You might just replace
the DBGSPECFLAGS macro in your descrip.mms with something more to
your liking.  You might also replace the /MAP with /NOMAP on the LINK
commands if you don't think you'll need the map files.

>Also can some guidance be given on what account quotas are needed for the 
>different platforms?
>Once these are known, it should not be hard to add them to the 
>script to do a sanity check.

Quotas to build or quotas to install and run?  Either or both would
be nice to have, but very painstaking to develop and obsolete almost
immediately.  It's certainly worth discussing what sort of limits
people run into, though, and trying to develop some general advice.
The test suite is a heavy user and abuser of subprocesses and pipes,
so make sure your PRCLM and BYTLM are generous.  The default PRCLM of
2 on VAX is almost certainly inadequate.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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