On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Craig Berry wrote:

> I think CCDEFINES might be a better name, and I would prefer to make it
> a variable substitution on [.vms]descrip_mms.template rather than
> producing a long, complicated macro string that someone has to pass
> exactly right to MM(S|K).
> If you modify the ccflags symbol appropriately (see what I did for
> uselargefiles), MakeMaker should pick it up from Config and use it
> to build extensions correctly.

If you specify more than one macro definition in ccflags the /DEFINE
macros need to be in parenthesis.

This causes the test lib/ExtUtils/t/Embed.t to fail because it passes
the parenthesis back with an "\" character in front of them to the
DCL command.

It turns out though, that I will only have one define, as _USE_STD_STAT
implies _LARGEFILE and 32 bit GIDs, and symlinks will require _USE_STD_STAT.

Based on your other post, I am modifying my copy of CONFIGURE.COM to enabling
hardlinks if support is detected for them on the build disk, not as a
build option.

I am also only enabling SYMLINK support if the operating system supports
it and the uselargefiles option is also active.


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