John E. Malmberg wrote:

EAGLE> search blead_test.log fail
t/run/exit................................FAILED at test 3

This test is failing because ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} contains a 1 and 0 is expected.

If I understand this, for VMS the native error code is a 1 for success unless special compile options are chosen to return POSIX codes.

On VMS, the return code is a structure packed into a 32 bit value with the least significant bit being the a severity level.

The DCL shell interprets this code when a program exits, so when POSIX codes are returned, it can cause the shell, and accounting utilities to incorrectly interpret them as errors.

So changing Perl on VMS to return POSIX error codes would probably be disruptive to VMS users.

I think that this test needs to be modified for VMS to expect a 1.

Something like:

my $native_success = 0;
   $native_success = 1 if $^O eq 'VMS';

is( ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}, $native_success,
      'Normal exit ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}' );

 Personal Opinion Only

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