sebb wrote:
On 14/08/05, John E. Malmberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tests 7 and 8 for this script are failing on VMS.

Test 7 is failing because normally on VMS, unless you specify otherwise,
you get exclusive access to the file, so the second open is failing.

The logical name DECC$FILE_SHARING defined as "ENABLE" will change VMS
behavior to that of UNIX which will allow test 7 to pass.

I can probably come up with some code to have the script on VMS make
sure that that value is set and to clear it on exit.

Would it not be better to fix the VMS Perl open() call so it works the
same as on other OSes?

Carl Friedberg explained about the VMS default behavior.

The logical name DECC$FILE_SHARING will locally change the behavior of applications to be follow it, and this can be turned on and off locally inside of a Perl script on VMS now. It turns off all file locking by applications that open files through the C runtime support.

The issue that I can not work around is the one that you did not quote, and that is that data from the test module has not yet been written to the disk because the file is not closed, or an fsync() call has not been made for it.

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