John E. Malmberg wrote:
Ken Williams wrote:

Hi John,

After my last email I reworked the patch so that all the modifications are in Platform/ Could you confirm that it still works for you and I haven't broken it?

First I discovered that I had a bug in my patch to that was causing a diagnostic to be displayed. I did not notice it until running the tests under the harness and it flagged it.

Then when I backed out my patch and applied yours, I discovered that it does not work.

In particular, the value of @temp_files is only filled in by
$self->_do_link after the VMS _do_link is called.

So I had to bring over the prelink call into the VMS _do_link and set the VMS need_prelink back to zero.

I have fixed it locally in VMS.PM, but I do not have time to submit a patch now.

The next problem that I have hit is that is that the /include does not work because it is the presence of the /include in the @CCFLAGS from the configuration hash that is covering up the /include built by cbuilder.

That is what my original patch covered. In order to fix this, I have to copy sub compile totally into VMS.C. I am in the process of doing this.

In addtion, I am seeing some new failures:

EAGLE> mcr []Perl. "-I[-.LIB]" [-.lib.extutils.Cbuilder.t]01-basic.t
# Running under perl version 5.009003 for VMS
# Current time local: Sat Sep 10 14:55:37 2005
# Current time GMT:   Sat Sep 10 18:55:37 2005
# Using version 1.25
ok 1
ok 2
Use of uninitialized value $temp_files[0] in concatenation (.) or string at ../.
./ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ line 37.
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7
Use of uninitialized value $temp_files[0] in concatenation (.) or string at ../.
./ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ line 37.
not ok 8
# Test 8 got: "[.t]compilet.exe" ([-.lib.extutils.cbuilder.t]01-basic.t at line
#   Expected: "[.t]PL_compilet.exe"
ok 9
ok 10
ok 11
EAGLE> mcr []Perl. "-I[-.LIB]" [-.lib.extutils.Cbuilder.t]02-link.t
# Running under perl version 5.009003 for VMS
# Current time local: Sat Sep 10 14:56:11 2005
# Current time GMT:   Sat Sep 10 18:56:11 2005
# Using version 1.25
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
Use of uninitialized value $temp_files[0] in concatenation (.) or string at ../.
./ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/ line 37.
error building [.t]PL_compilet.exe from [.t]compilet.obj, sys$disk:[]/opt, [---]
PerlShr.Opt/opt at ../../ExtUtils/CBuilder/ line 198.

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