Craig A. Berry wrote:
At 10:23 PM -0500 1/6/06, John E. Malmberg wrote:

[-.lib.ExtUtils.t]Manifest.t        44  1024    49    2   4.08%  26 29
[-.lib.ExtUtils.t]PL_FILES.t        44  1024     9    5  55.56%  3-7

I think that these are failing because of the issue addressed by
the  patch mm_vms_pm.gdiff, but it has been a while since I investigated
>> this.

That may help with part of it, but PL_FILES is actually in
and the relevant patch has been posted here:

Posting MakeMaker patches to the RT queue may improve chances of acceptance:

but there are long intervals where the maintainer is busy with other things.

The patches have previously been posted to the MakeMaker mailing list, I have been running with my local copy waiting for a change to show up in blead.

When a test is marked as TODO because it is expected to fail for
known reasons but nevertheless succeeds, this is what we get.
Hopefully it means bugs have been fixed and we can remove the TODO

The presence of the GNV subsystem or other combinations of logical names, DCL$PATH:, SYS$POSIX_ROOT: and foreign commands can also cause tests fail, and in some cases cause tests marked "TODO" to work.

If the Perl test programs finds GNV present, some attempt to run additional tests. As of yet, I do not know which additional tests that succeed get run. I only notice the failures.

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