At 5:18 PM -0600 3/15/06, Ken Williams wrote:

>--- lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/      15 Mar 2006 22:48:16 -0000      
>+++ lib/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Platform/      15 Mar 2006 22:50:29 -0000

Your revision works fine, thanks.

>>The other scenario it now handles that it didn't before is when there
>>is a define with a key but no value.  This is still currently broken
>>in the generic version of arg_defines (and no current test exercises
>>it).  So if you pass the following to compile:
>>defines => { FOO => Bar, Baz }
>>You get this:
>>-DBaz= -DFOO=Bar
>>where the equals sign after Baz seems likely to cause trouble (though
>>I don't know offhand what compilers will do with that).
>I believe that's just fine for compilers, it simply means that Baz should be 
>defined as the empty string, right?
>I just verified that -Dfoo , -Dfoo= , and -Dfoo=bar all seem to make the C 
>preprocessor happy, producing results of 1, the empty string, and 'bar', 

OK, thanks for checking it out.  The equivalent thing on VMS is a
syntax error, so my change to handle it there should stay.
Craig A. Berry                  

"Literary critics usually know what they're
talking about. Even if they're wrong."
        -- Perl creator Larry Wall

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