Craig A. Berry wrote:
> I'm afraid we never got approval to get CMS at the day job, but I can
> think of all sorts of useful things that would come from having a
> Perl interface.  You could build a repository browser similar in
> principle to the Perl Repository Browser
> <>.  You could
> automate various maintenance and reporting functions, etc.  I hope
> this works out for you as it would be a nifty package.
My problem was working with change sets.  The perl module and some DCL
allowed me to get control of change management.  I might have a half
dozen changes in the works at any given time.  Each change becomes a
branch.  Eventually, branches get merged to the test environment and if
successfully tested they get merged to production.  A branch might get
merged with other changes into a new branch to be tested and installed
together.  Perl helps with merging - using the CMS interface, it figures
out if the change is directly descended from the merge version and if so
it does a fetch.  Otherwise, it performs a CMS merge and stalls if
necessary for me to resolve conflicts.  CMS groups are used to track
what files were changed in any change set.  All this over several
directories each with its own CMS repository.

I got four responses in a week on a low traffic mailing list.  Hopefully
that will show some outside interest and get someone's attention to act
on my request.  If anyone else is interested, please let me know.  The
more ammunition the better.


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