Craig A. Berry wrote:
On May 3, 2009, at 9:20 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:

John E. Malmberg wrote:

Perl_sv_upgrade(pTHX_ register SV *const sv, svtype new_type)
case SVt_PVMG:
   new_body_inline(new_body, new_type);
new_type = SVt_PVMG,
SVt_PVMG has a value of 7.
new_body = 44.
PL_Body_roots[sv_type] = 44.
From the code, it looks like this was expected to contain a valid pointer.

From looking at the source code, it appears that the linked list of bodies is corrupted. my_perl->Ibodyroots[7] has 44.

Yes, I see the same thing.

I have been looking at the S_more_bodies routine. Would it be practical to put an assert on for a pointer being added to the linked list with a value above 512? On VMS, the first page of memory is protected no access.

I haven't had much time to poke at this, but I think an assert there would only help if the body is created with a bogus pointer in the SVt_PVMG slot rather than created with a good pointer that gets clobbered later, and I think the second explanation is more likely. I merely observe (without yet a chance fully to pursue) that 44 is a suspicious number on a couple of different fronts.

Running with -Dm shows that various 44-byte chunks of memory get allocated, including arenas that are multiples of 44 in size, so if there is a legitimate size of 44 that is added to something that should be a good value but is actually NULL, that might be one explanation for where the bad smell is coming from.

44 / 0x2c is the value of SS$_ABORT, which is the return value of the system() call in IPC::Cmd::_run, which is called somewhere in the chain following from CPANPLUS::Dist::_resolve_prereqs.[1] If there is something inappropriate going on with a vmsish pragma and the return value of the system() call, that's another place where something could go wrong, but also as yet another wacky theory that I haven't been able to prove.

The only way that I can see that being an issue is if the return value is ever stored in malloc()ed memory, and then either a buffer overrun of that storage, or that memory gets freed before the status value is written.

Since no one else is reporting this failure, I will start looking at the VMS specific code for implementing system() so see if I can find anything.

Unfortunately many other things in VMS can return same code, but so far, that is the best theory I have seen.

If I put some additional checks in SV.c to walk that linked list each time that routine is called, I may be able to detect the corruption before the access violation takes place. With the amount of times that it gets called in perl, this may give us a break, unless it changes things enough to get hide of the access violation.

I've attached a version of the test script that is slimmed down from 400+ lines to 99 lines but still produces the access violation.

Thanks, I will try that.

[1] IPC::Cmd::_run does not quote arguments, so in its current form it's not really suitable as a cross-platform way to run Perl one-liners. For example, when it means to run:

perl "-M10000000000" "-e1"
Perl v1410065408.0.0 required--this is only v5.11.0, stopped.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

it's actually running:

$ perl -M10000000000 -e1
syntax error at -e line 0, near "use 10000000000 ("
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

So the CPANPLUS::Dist test is not distinguishing between a syntax error and a version check failure. I don't think it makes any difference for the access violation, but it's something I noticed while trying to pursue that.

That probably explains some of the failures besides the access violation. The other is probably related to a sample file having a '~' character in the name.

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