Hi. Thanks for answer and sorry for the late in replay but I was on holiday.

About the test:
$rc = system { "lskdfj" } "lskdfj";
unless( ok($rc == 255 << 8 or $rc == -1 or $rc == 256 or $rc == 512) ) {
print "# \$rc == $rc\n";
I don't understand very well what I should do for trying running the test independently how you suggested me. Anyway if I comment the other tests and I run this test alone with @[.vms]test .exe "" "-v" [.op]exec.t, I don't see anything but it confirm that is this test that failed:

# Failed at [.op]exec.t line 13
not ok 1
t/OP/EXEC....FAILED at test 1
Failed 1 test out of 0, 0.00% okay.

What the test is trying to do is run a nonsense command in a subprocess and verify that the return value is set appropriately. If that command happens not to be nonsense on your system, that could cause trouble, so you might see what this gives you:

%DCL-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling

If I give the command LSKDFJ I obtain:

-RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation


ISTI-MX4> @[.vms]test .exe "" "-v" $1$DGA100:[000000.PERL-5_10_1.lib]vmsish.t

ok 21 - use vmsish qw(time)
not ok 22 - (time) UTC: 1280511919 VMS: 1280519119
t/$1$DGA100/PERL-5_10_1/LIB/VMSISH....FAILED at test 22
Failed 1 test out of 1, 0.00% okay.

You might check the timezone settings and timezone logicals on your system:

$ show logical *timezone*

The time values here indicate you are 2 hours (7200 seconds) ahead of UTC -- is that correct?

No, the "show logical timezone" command indicate that I am one hour ahead of UTC:
but if I give the "show time" command I obtain a value two hour ahead of UTC (it is correct because in this period we use the CEST).


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