I went back to the threaded perl and removed the CCFLAGS from makefile.pl.
It builds and runs now. I'm not sure why that was in there. It must have
been added by an older version of h2xs.

Thanks for the help. Sorry for distracting you from other things.
On Jan 9, 2013 11:42 AM, "Thomas Pfau" <tfp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think this has something to do with threads. I rebuilt perl at work
> without threads and the module works again.
> On Jan 9, 2013 8:20 AM, "Craig A. Berry" <craigbe...@mac.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:07 PM, Thomas Pfau <tfp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > Bizarre copy of UNKNOWN in list assignment at
>> /DISK$USERS/PFAU/PROG/PERL/vms-cms/blib/lib/VMS/CMS.pm line 490.
>> A quick web search shows that this usually means the compiler flags used
>> to compile the extension are different from the compiler flags used to
>> compile Perl.  Your Makefile.PL has the line:
>>     CCFLAGS           =>
>> "/include=[]/standard=relaxed_ansi/prefix=all/obj=.obj/noshare_globals"
>> which will be similar but not 100% the same as what's used to build Perl,
>> depending on configuration.  You'll probably want to take $Config{ccflags}
>> and append "/noshare_globals" to it, though since that's the default for
>> the compiler, it doesn't seem necessary to specify it.
>> You can see what your Perl was built with by doing:
>> $ perl -"V:ccflags"
>> ccflags='/Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj
>> /NOANSI_ALIAS/float=ieee/ieee=denorm/NAMES=(SHORTENED)/Define=_USE_STD_STAT=1';
>> ________________________________________
>> Craig A. Berry
>> mailto:craigbe...@mac.com
>> "... getting out of a sonnet is much more
>>  difficult than getting in."
>>                  Brad Leithauser

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