On May 12, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Carl Friedberg <friedb...@exs.esb.com> wrote:

> Craig,
> my first cut at 18.0

Thanks for testing, Carl.  And the rest of you losing sleep because you don't 
know how Perl 5.18.0 will work in your environment with your preferred 
configuration running your favorite extensions have nothing between you and a 
great night's sleep except for downloading, building, and installing the first 
(and possibly final) release candidate, available from:




> Anything you would like me to pursue?

It's not up to me to say what's important to you.  Generally core tests would 
be more important than module tests, and module tests that are distributed with 
the core (starting with dist/) would be more important than module tests from 
CPAN (starting with cpan/).  From your list, the ones starting with comp/ and 
op/ would probably benefit from a closer look.

> Itanium RX2600 (same as you, I believe)
> $ cc/version
> HP C V7.3-018 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.4
> $ show system/noproc
> OpenVMS V8.4  on node TITAND   12-MAY-2013 13:30:24.27   Uptime  1 21:47:08
> Failed 34 tests out of 2164, 98.43% okay.
>        ../cpan/Archive-Extract/t/01_Archive-Extract.t
>        ../cpan/CPANPLUS/t/03_CPANPLUS-Internals-Source.t
>        ../cpan/CPANPLUS/t/04_CPANPLUS-Module.t
>        ../cpan/CPANPLUS/t/20_CPANPLUS-Dist-MM.t
>        ../cpan/Config-Perl-V/t/10_base.t
>        ../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/INSTALL_BASE.t
>        ../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/PL_FILES.t
>        ../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/basic.t
>        ../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/miniperl.t
>        ../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/pm_to_blib.t
>        ../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/t/xs.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/PL_files.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/compat.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/install.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/install_extra_target.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/manifypods.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/runthrough.t
>        ../cpan/Module-Build/t/tilde.t
>        ../cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
>        ../dist/Carp/t/Carp.t
>        ../dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/Install.t
>        ../dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/InstallWithMM.t
>        ../dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/Installapi2.t
>        ../dist/ExtUtils-Install/t/can_write_dir.t
>        ../dist/Net-Ping/t/510_ping_udp.t
>        ../ext/Pod-Html/t/cache.t
>        ../ext/VMS-Stdio/t/vms_stdio.t
>        ../lib/perl5db.t
>        comp/parser.t
>        op/coreamp.t
>        op/kill0.t
>        op/stat.t
>        porting/pod_rules.t
>        porting/podcheck.t


$ cc/version
HP C V7.3-020 on OpenVMS IA64 V8.4

with update 8.0, on a disk with the following attributes:

  Volume Status:  ODS-5, subject to mount verification, protected subsystems
      enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled, write-through XQP caching
      enabled, hard links enabled, special files enabled.

from a non-privileged account, I get:

cpan/CPANPLUS/t/03_CPANPLUS-Internals-Source .................. FAILED at test 
cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant ............................. FAILED at test 
cpan/Module-Build/t/compat .................................... FAILED at test 8
cpan/Module-Build/t/debug ..................................... FAILED at test 1
cpan/Module-Build/t/install_extra_target ...................... FAILED at test 4
cpan/Module-Build/t/install ................................... 
FAILED--expected 35 tests, saw 1
cpan/Module-Build/t/manifypods ................................ 
FAILED--expected 21 tests, saw 2
cpan/Module-Build/t/PL_files .................................. 
FAILED--expected 8 tests, saw 0
cpan/Module-Build/t/properties/share_dir ...................... 
FAILED--expected 23 tests, saw 16
cpan/Module-Build/t/runthrough ................................ FAILED at test 
cpan/Module-Build/t/tilde ..................................... FAILED at test 
ext/Pod-Html/t/cache .......................................... FAILED at test 8
ext/Pod-Html/t/crossref ....................................... FAILED at test 1
ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir1 ....................................... FAILED at test 1
ext/Pod-Html/t/htmldir3 ....................................... FAILED at test 1
lib/perl5db ................................................... FAILED at test 
Failed 16 tests out of 2171, 99.26% okay.

which is quite a bit better than yours, but a few more than I expected, mainly 
because Pod::Html has not been failing recently.  I have no explanation for why 
it's so different from yours.  There must be some differences in privileges, 
quotas, volume characteristics, external utilities installed (such as tar or 
vmstar), etc.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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