I am trying to get the GNU make 4.0.90 self tests run on VMS, and they are written in perl.

I am making some progress, but have found some issues.

I can not seem to do a rmdir() of an absolute or relative Unix path with Perl 5.18.1.

I have worked around the issue by replacing the rmdir() builtin method with one that translates the filename to VMS format and then calls unlink().

LION> perl  --version

This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 1 (v5.18.1) built for VMS_IA64

LION> show log decc$*



LION> show log perl_*


  "PERL_ROOT" = "LION$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.perl-5_18.]"

I also noticed that opendir('/search_list/directory') fails when 'directory' is only in the first member of the search list. I am not sure what the issue there is. I think the solution for that will be more complex.

I have worked around that issue by decoding the search list and recreating the path to used for opendir.

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