You are assuming a lot.   And smearing netsapiens in the process.

On 11/2/2017 12:57 PM, Colton Conor wrote:
I am blaming the switch, netsapiens in this case, for the outage, as the platform provider, SkySwitch, is blaming netsapiens. Every Time an outage occurs they say they have a new software patch from their switch provider netsapiens, but these patches still don't seem to fix the problem.

Maybe the other netsapiens shops don't have this problem as they aren't on the scale that SkySwitch is? Maybe netsapiens is great for smaller shops, but the software crashes under high load?

I would love to hear SkySwitchs or netsapiens point of view.

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Peter Rad. < <>> wrote:

    Why do you blame the switch for outages?

    On 11/1/2017 11:14 PM, Colton Conor wrote:

    We use SkySwitch which is the largest netsapiens wholesaler out
    there.I can't remember how many seats they have, but I want to
    say over 50,000.

    Over the past year Skyswitch has monthly outages. Skyswitch keeps
    blaming it on their switch vendor. netsapiens has provided
    multiple patches, but SkySwitch's geo redundant nodes keep crashing.

    I don't think netsapiens backend software is anywhere close to
    the quality level of Broadsoft. netsapiens customer facing
    interfaces are much nicer than Broadsoft default portals, but I
    doesn't matter if the switch crashes all the time. It is
    improving, but still you should see how many bugs are fixed in
    each release due to poor coding.

    I am in search of something new as well. Broadsoft and netsapiens
    are no gos for me.

    On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Matthew Crocker
    < <>> wrote:


        I’m a Broadsoft Broadworks shop but I’m looking at
        alternatives,  Not a YUGE fan of Cisco…

        If you have an opinion on NetSapien as a HostedPBX platform
        (good, bad, ugly) please send to me on or off list.



        Matthew Crocker

        Crocker Communications, Inc.


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    Peter Radizeski
    813.963.5884 <tel:%28813%29%20963-5884>


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