Posted by Eric Posner:
The Attack on Sunstein.

   Barack Obama�s plan to nominate Cass Sunstein to the position of head
   of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has been attacked
   by some on the left, as Jonathan Adler [1]notes. Over the course of
   his career, Sunstein has taken many controversial positions that have
   offended people on both the right and left, but his support for the
   regulatory state has not wavered, nor has his concern for protection
   of the environment, the health and safety of workers, consumer
   protection, and other regulatory goals that we associate with New Deal
   liberalism. Sunstein has strong liberal instincts�his work is animated
   by his concern for the rights and well-being of poor and vulnerable
   people and oppressed groups�and he believes that government is there
   to help. But what makes his work so interesting and influential is
   that he has a hard-headed appreciation of the problems of government,
   and has explored, with extraordinary imagination, approaches to
   regulation that harness the power of government without unduly
   infringing on people�s freedom or in other ways producing bad

   The approach that has received the most attention recently is
   Sunstein�s argument (with Dick Thaler) in support of what they call
   �libertarian paternalism,� government policies that help prevent
   errors that people predictably make because of cognitive biases
   (Sunstein is a prominent critic of the rational actor model used by
   economists) without interfering with the choices of sophisticated
   people who know their interests better than the government does. This
   book is a perfect example of how Sunstein thinks. He shares the
   liberal-friendly view that people do not always act in their rational
   self-interest and therefore benefit from government regulation, but he
   rejects the strongly paternalistic policies that have done more harm
   than good and are in any event politically unpopular and have led to
   backlash. His middle way is a sophisticated attempt to support a kind
   of regulation that might do some good and enjoy political support from
   both sides of the spectrum, and hence actually have a chance to
   persist across administrations and vicissitudes in public opinion.

   What appears to have gotten Sunstein into trouble among the left is
   his support of cost-benefit analysis. Cost-benefit analysis, like
   libertarian paternalism, is a middle way between the deregulatory
   impulses of conservatives and the traditional regulatory agenda of
   those on the left. It is by no means a perfect instrument of
   regulation, and legitimate concerns about it have been raised�leading
   to a long-running academic debate about how it can be modified and
   improved. Unfortunately, cost-benefit analysis is a red flag for
   environmentalists, who associate it with the deregulatory philosophy
   of the Reagan administration, when it was first introduced in OIRA as
   a mechanism for screening most types of government regulation. And it
   is true that some in the Reagan administration saw cost-benefit
   analysis as nothing more than a bureaucratic hurdle, a measure for
   slowing down regulation. But from the beginning, cost-benefit analysis
   has had the support of moderates and liberals (prominently, Ricky
   Revesz, for example, who has recently published a great [2]book urging
   progressives to drop their opposition to it) who see it as a tool of
   good governance, not as a means for strangling regulations at their
   birth. Reagan himself was goaded into regulatory action when a
   cost-benefit analysis showed that ozone depletion generated enormous
   costs, and could be addressed with a cost-effective treaty, which has
   been a considerable success.

   Sunstein�s own views of cost-benefit analysis are much more nuanced
   than the writings of some of his [3]critics acknowledge. As his
   numerous writings on the topic make clear, he does not believe that
   the well-being of future generations should be ignored. On the
   contrary, Sunstein strongly supports a climate treaty because
   cost-benefit analysis shows that the costs of climate change will be
   considerable for future generations and are already substantial for
   poor people living in developing countries today--as every
   cost-benefit analysis shows, the benefits of greenhouse gas abatement
   vastly exceed the costs. (The Center for Progressive Reform
   mystifyingly [4]claims that he is not particularly concerned about
   climate change, based on a misreading of a paper he wrote (with me).)
   And he is well aware that cost-benefit analysis can produce misleading
   evaluations when the rich and poor have different valuations for
   regulatory benefits. The main advantage of cost-benefit analysis is
   that it introduces transparency into an opaque regulatory process,
   forcing regulators to be clear about the nature of the tradeoffs one
   unavoidably must make. Some of these tradeoffs are ugly and do not
   have obvious answers�when scarce resources force one to choose between
   a regulation that reduces mortality risk for the elderly and a
   regulation that provides greater benefits for children, which should
   one choose? Not everyone will agree with Sunstein�s conclusions on
   these issues, but he should receive credit for his intellectual
   honesty and academic integrity.

   But isn�t cost-benefit analysis hopelessly manipulable? That is
   another argument of CPR. In fact, like any decision procedure, it can
   be manipulated, but when it is manipulated, it is not hard to tell and
   cry foul. Indeed, the critics of cost-benefit analysis have produced
   paper after paper showing that OIRA or independent economists have
   produced defective cost-benefit analyses�which would of course not be
   possible if it could be so easily manipulated to produce the results
   one wants. What is true is that the government has not performed
   cost-benefit analyses very well over the last twenty-five years. This
   is a reason to improve its efforts, not to abandon them.

   The critics of cost-benefit analysis have been trying for thirty or
   more years to come up with a better decision procedure, and have
   failed. They usually say that regulatory agencies should just do what
   Congress asks them to do; but the problem is that Congress gives
   extremely vague guidance that has to be interpreted one way or
   another, and in the absence of a clear decision procedure, it is too
   easy for agencies to rationalize whatever they think might make sense
   or be politically saleable at a particular time. Cost-benefit
   analysis, done properly, should strengthen the case for regulation by
   showing people that it actually serves their interest, rather than the
   agendas of interest groups. At a time when public support for
   environmental protection measures appears to be waning, the importance
   of this objective can hardly be exaggerated.

   Sunstein is one of the most talented academics around. With his deep
   knowledge of government regulation, he would be the perfect head of
   OIRA. Among the many people I have met in academia and government, he
   is one of the least ideologically rigid, one of the most open to
   argument and evidence. His critics should at least admit that he will
   give a fair hearing to their concerns. He would be an extraordinary
   asset for the Obama administration.



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