Posted by David Kopel:
The Case against Impeaching Rod Blagojevich:

   Over at [1]Legal Insurrection, Cornell's William A. Jacobson is making
   some excellent arguments against an Illinois Senate conviction of
   Governor Blagojevich. To wit: the evidence against Blagojevich
   consists almost exclusively of an FBI agent affirming the authenticity
   of highly selective excerpts from surveillance tapes which he provided
   via an affidavit. Notably, Agent "Cain refused to answer whether the
   excerpts in the affidavit put events in 'the proper context' (Tr. 293)
   or whether he has learned anything in the seven weeks since he signed
   the affidavit which 'would make any of the statements in your
   affidavit untrue?' (Tr. 299)."
   Put me in the camp that is reluctant to ruin someone's life just
   because Patrick Fitzgerald says so. I thought the Scooter Libby
   prosecution was wrong. And it seems clear that Fitzgerald's press
   conference against Blagojevich was an extreme violation of [2]Illinois
   Rule of Professional Conduct 3.8(e). (For a discussion of the
   prosecutor's ethical duty not to make unnecessary statements against
   the accused, see my [3]2002 NRO article on Attorney General Ashcroft's
   remarks about John Walker Lindh. Compared to Fitzgerald's remarks,
   General Ashcroft's comments were relatively mild.)
   Do I think that Blagojevich could well be guilty? Yes. Do I think that
   Blagojevich has any merits as a public servant? No. How well do I know
   Blagojevich? Only slightly, having debated him on ABC Nightline (about
   gun shows) when he was a U.S. Representative in 1998.
   So if I were in the Illinois Senate, I might well, with great personal
   regret, vote against the conviction of Governor Blagojevich on the
   articles of impeachment.



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