Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Discretionary Licensing Requirement for Speech on a University Campus Is 

   Jews for Jesus, Inc. v. City College of San Francisco, 2009 WL 86703
   (N.D. Cal. Jan. 12), so holds, concluding -- as was not disputed in
   the case -- that "sidewalks and plazas on a publicly-supported college
   campus constitute a [traditional] public forum." Therefore, the court
   rightly reasons, it's unconstitutional for the college to require a
   licensing scheme under which "college officials ... review literature
   before it is distributed and [may] deny permission to distribute it at
   their unfettered discretion." (Of course, many content-neutral
   restrictions that do not involve discretionary licensing schemes may
   well be permissible on university sidewalks, just as they are on
   public sidewalks.)

   Sounds generally quite right, given current First Amendment
   precedents, though note that "publicly-supported" should probably have
   been "publicly-run." The Supreme Court has made clear (see, e.g.,
   Rendell-Baker v. Kohn (1982)), that government funding of an
   institution doesn't subject the institution's decisions to First
   Amendment scrutiny -- only actual government control does (for
   instance, when the institution is run by a government body, or when a
   government body pressures a private institution to impose certain
   speech restrictions).

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