Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Grizzlies "Threatened" Again:

   A federal district court judge overturned the U.S. Fish & Wildlife
   Service's decision to remove Grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone
   area from the endangered species list. From the [1]LA Times:

     In a strongly worded order, U.S. District Judge Donald W. Molloy
     said that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's conclusion that the
     bears would find adequate food and protected habitat in Wyoming,
     Montana and Idaho was not supported by the government's own
     science, and that protections put into place for the grizzlies were
     not enforceable.

     The ruling largely supported conservationists' assertion that the
     predators faced devastating losses to one of their most important
     food sources as a result of climate change. It ordered the
     government to put the bears back under the protection of the
     Endangered Species Act until long-term strategies to assure their
     survival were in place.

     "Much of the science [cited by the government] directly contradicts
     the service's conclusions," the judge wrote in his 46-page
     decision. "Where the agency's conclusions contradict the science,
     the conclusions are not reasonable, and the court need not defer to
     the agency's decision."



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