Dick it is all in trying to get the last little bit of accuracy out of the
meter. 1000 NPLC  and or math stat would do better than messing with the
leads... All this gets into the law of diminishing returns. 1 ohm test lead
in series with a 10Meg input resistance that only come into play on the 2
upper ranges will induce an error of 0.1 ppm.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Richard Moore <richiem5...@gmail.com>

> Randy — not sure why you feel the need for shielded wire for DC
> measurements, especially if you turn the LP filter on, unless you live
> under a transmitter. I use twisted pair 22 ga. solid copper bell wire for
> voltage measurments with no difficulties, and the thermals reduce very
> quickly. Silver plated copper would be even better I suppose. Heavy gauge
> wire is only needed for current measurements, which I seldom do.
> Dick Moore
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