Two typos in previous message


It is Penon, not Pinon … 


And the Lugano report was definitely not the last milestone but possibly the 
next to last further down.



From: Jones Beene 


Look at the big picture.


It should be noted that most technology transfer contracts like the one between 
AR and IH are definitely NOT based on a one-time cash transfers of millions of 
dollars up front – especially when there is no tangible product at hand and the 
IP portfolio is a joke. 


Most often, the contract is structured around what are known as “milestones,” 
perhaps a half dozen over 4-5 years, each with partial payments, and leading up 
to a final installment. The Lugano report was very likely the fulfillment of 
one of these milestones, perhaps the last one. The present controversy- the 
so-called “megawatt device” producing low grade heat for an unknown customer 
for a year would seem to be an ideal kind of milestone, if an unbiased and 
competent scientist was invovled. 


Obviously, a year at high COP would be the ideal final milestone, with plenty 
of PR value for IH - and would trigger the bulk of the contract obligation. 
Millions of dollars could be hinging on this report. And IH has its own 
investors to please so they have to be completely above-board and use extreme 
due diligence.


It is probable that following the Lugano fiasco, and the mountain of criticism 
for the sloppy and unscientific work done there by Levi and his unwitting 
stooges, that IH began to question Rossi’s integrity – particularly in 
fulfilling the last milestone criteria, which … of course… precedes the final 
big check.


This has now come to a head. IH does not trust Rossi, due to the Lugano fiasco, 
and will balk at payment of this milestone unless the proof is substantial. 
Rossi wants to present an air-tight case, but he may or may not be able to do 
so, based on an truly objective accounting. This accounting of power-in vs 
power-out over a full year - should be amazingly easy to provide, if Rossi had 
kept good records. Any high school kid could do it. 


However, all of Rossi’s associates say that he does not keep good records. I 
have recently re-read the Pinon report, which is an absolute mockery of the 
scientific system, and if Pinon turns out to be the ERV, then we are in the 
early stages of a gigantic lawsuit. 


Pinon is basically NOT competent as a scientist, in any relevant way. Rossi 
supporters should hope that Pinon is not the guy.


From: Jed Rothwell 


Ian Walker <> wrote:


I think it can be reasonable argued that the target was Krivit, as Krivit 
himself admits he sent one of his missives where he said he was going to write 
a report stating Rossi and IH had split so what was their comment.


I do not see how this statement fits Krivit. There is nothing about "embracing 
failure" with regard to him. Furthermore, I doubt that I.H. cares what he 
thinks. Yes, he sent an inquiry to them about Rossi, and they sent back that 
March 10 statement. But, they sent it far and wide, to many people, including 
me, via Infinite Energy, and they asked us all to upload it. I don't suppose 
they would distribute it to everyone just in response to an inquiry from Krivit.

Krivit and I discussed this. I said I agree with him there seems to be rift, 
but I think he is reading too much into the statement to conclude that: 
"Industrial Heat has apparently terminated its relationship with businessman 
Andrea Rossi."

- Jed


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