I saw a good summary on related Kozyrev mirrors.


In my experiments any spiral where the number of turns is in the form
of n minus a fraction of n, so 2 minus 1/2 = 1.5 turns
The next is 3 minus a 3rd (2.666 turns) and so on produces a strong effect.

On Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 14:38, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rick, my body surfing friend.  Good to hear from you.
> You know, I never did plant those macadamia seeds.  I have them still.
> I look forward to examining your supposition when I have the time.
> Have you read that Tibetan monks can lift heavy stones with sound?
> I will try to look at this tomorrow.
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2023, 9:49 PM <r...@highsurf.com> wrote:
>> Hi all, long time. Sorry about the length of this, hope some of you will 
>> take a moment to look through it. Warning: contains significant speculation 
>> and some video links, (no affiliation to links).
>> For some time I've been fascinated by anomalous ancient stone working 
>> techniques. The spread of information on the subject over the last couple of 
>> decades due to the internet and video, TV like Ancient Mysteries, Graham 
>> Hancock etc., has exposed the public to the fact and depth of these 
>> mysteries despite the ever-present overburden of academic resistance, grift, 
>> and woo.
>> There's been lots of theories over the years of sound, geopolymers, aliens, 
>> etc., and more lately, some sort of electromagnetic effect. Conditions in 
>> and around rock crystals are often affected by both EM and sound, perhaps 
>> not always through just piezoelectricity. Browns gas has also been proposed 
>> as a cutting technique since the melted surface containing transmutations 
>> has been found in some samples of the vitrified cut surfaces from various 
>> ruins which are similar to BG-burned samples of the same material.
>> Although these proposed theories do lean towards explanations for cut and 
>> finish, the big elephant in the room is still on the loose: how did they 
>> *raise* and *transport* these damn things? Another slightly smaller elephant 
>> is the almost capricious manner with which numerous large and repeated cuts 
>> were made both at quarries and in removed material - it was easy for them. 
>> That last one often doesn't become so apparent until you've been looking at 
>> this for a while and can see the larger context of the total extent and 
>> volume of this work globally, as well as within individual sites.
>> I've had some ideas about this, and in the last few years I've actually "cut 
>> metal" and casually tried something. I got weak but interesting results, and 
>> I'd like to refine the experiment and keep careful records before discussing 
>> particulars publicly, but to the point of this post:
>> There's a video out on YouTube now under the "Versadoco" account:
>> https://youtu.be/884rjnOSnbI
>> Some ideas that I think are new to the megalith mysteries are presented 
>> there which might seem familiar to Vortexians - Ken Shoulders' EVOs, and the 
>> softening, melting, and occasionally levitation effects described by John 
>> Hutchison.
>> The best explanation is the one that addresses the unknown causes for *all* 
>> the features of a phenomenon, and for the moment, this one looks pretty 
>> interesting to me. I noticed long ago how dried pottery clay in rehydration 
>> will mimic features of some Hutchison effect samples where they soften, 
>> split and crumble distinctively before melting. In clay it's water molecules 
>> soaking in between the grains and ionically defeating the small bonds 
>> between them. In Hutchison's materials, is it EVOs or excess free charge 
>> content accumulated around the grains? In the stone artifacts, that could 
>> explain effects attributed by some to Brown gas since accumulated charge or 
>> EVOs are also present.
>> Still missing is the practical method for EVO/charge generation the 
>> mysterious masons actually used, which if known, should be easily duplicable 
>> since there is an implied low-tech nature to this. The video fumbles and 
>> punts on that crucial topic, IMO. But at least there's no need for aliens or 
>> complex high tech.
>> I speculate that powerful (i.e. LOUD and long duration) acoustics were used 
>> for charge generation (or more likely acquisition from the environment), and 
>> manipulation and concentration through cymatics, hopefully without JH's 
>> personal presence required as some have suggested. With large stones 
>> containing a gigantic internal space charge you might be able to cut and 
>> shape them with copper tools using Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)*, 
>> then raise and transport and them using the enormous electric fields from 
>> all that trapped charge coupling (against) the ground plane. Resonate, chop, 
>> float, stack, discharge. If true, big implications for various modern 
>> industries, obviously.
>> *Here's a link to a practical modern example of using EDM on a pre-charged 
>> dielectric instead of the usual current-connected metal target material. 
>> Internal charging is via linear accelerator (kinetic not acoustic), but a 
>> simple manual bulk EDM-style technique is shown. Scroll down to the video: 
>> https://www.etsy.com/shop/Criticalelectron?ref=mini_mfts_name&listing_id=1464572835
>> Thoughts?
>> - Rick

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