>> This is one of my favorite subjects.


Obviously mine too, and thanks for your ideas and response. I notice that your 
experiment might have had a kind of low ratio of total brick mass to vibrating 
momentum energy. No trouble for a brick, but maybe hard to up-scale without 
some very powerful vibration source for a block of significant size. Maybe 
multiple synchronized units, and of course, resonance in the target. 
Interesting. There’s recent YouTube vids of a guy moving big objects around his 
garage using vibration, and of course there’s our beloved Vortexian Chris 
Tinsley (RIP) with his story of the old days and a giant hard drive walking 
across the server room using ‘special’ head-seek instructions. No doubt that 
this works and might in some circumstances be a viable method of actually 
transporting megaliths with just sound (and a crew of large dudes/animals with 
ropes. And beer). But a lack of such necessary circumstances in so many 
locations where these constructions exist (Peru especially), is part of the 
problem, in addition to the fact that I don’t see it explaining other 
megalithic evidence besides the horizontal transport issue. I’m looking for a 
single key. Sure, different processes could be broken out over multiple 
applications, and many demonstrations have been attempted to show that this or 
that could have been used, with most having a poor or unconvincing result. I 
contend that the single-principle idea would support the apparent ease and 
obvious massive extent with which the work was performed, in addition to being 
a good fit to the wide range of unexplained evidence. For a comprehensive 
megalith theory, I believe we need two things. First is a single principle 
hypothesis which explains multiple features found in the processes of cutting, 
finishing, fitting, horizontal and vertical transport, and ease of performing 
all of those tasks on extensive large scale work using relatively primitive 
techniques and tools. The second of course would be successful modern 
reproduction of those processes using the hypothesized principle. 

Also, I don’t really need to reference Hutchison’s work, fraudulent or not, to 
support this idea. It’s used more as a conceptual example (although I also 
believe it’s likely real) to explain a situation where under special conditions 
of confinement pressure, charge insinuates itself into and accumulates inside 
of metal crystalline structures and ionically disrupts them - like water 
soaking into dry clay or salt crystals. For Hutchison the special conditions 
are supposedly standing/travelling waves at high amplitude around the sample, 
and for exploding wires I assume it’s large-current /small-time deltas for a 
similar effect – bulk non-thermal structural disruption originating at a very 
fine scale. The point is that the basis for it with electric charge already 
exists conventionally elsewhere as well. 

Acoustic charging - let’s expand the definition for the moment to include a 
large momentum phonon energizing a single charged particle, like in solar 
radiation or linear accelerator. Add that to the idea of a huge number of small 
phonon bumps over time as I’ve proposed. Acoustic charging under that expanded 
definition seems to work great on poorly shielded spacecraft insulation and in 
accelerator-zapped Lichtenberg tchotchke sold on the internet. But why would 
more gentle acoustics allow greater useful or higher maximum charge 
accumulation? I suppose it’s the same reason I can’t make a big pile of playing 
cards on a card table by shooting them out of a compressed air cannon. If I 
manually lob them gently to the table, they’ll pile up better. Spacecraft 
insulation arcs out in failure when that last-straw particle impacts and 
triggers a cascading jail break of many other particles already resident as a 
charge cloud in the material. The energy required for a single electron to 
penetrate a meter of rock in one stroke is probably well over 1.0MeV, being 
somewhat rare in small cross-section even in solar radiation most days. See 
lunar rocks for example. Why not break that down into many small manageable 
steps at low energy?


I think the place to start is to try slowly loading dielectrics internally with 
a single polarity using sound, and likely cymatics, to draw, guide, and 
accumulate charge from a natural external source like the sky or ground plane. 
I’m pretty sure this can be done in principle (I think I may have already done 
it), the big question is can it be scaled using relatively primitive systems 
against stone and achieve such a huge accumulated magnitude that it allows for 
controlled copper tool-tip/edge EDM, bulk stone softening to a moist-clay 
consistency, transmutations in cutting residue (EVOs etc.) and levitation 


Any forum members remember playing with those tiny magnetically reactive bits 
appearing after carbon rods were arced underwater, and speculating 
transmutation and/or room temperature superconduction? Anyone see the vids of 
compass reactions near megalithic block cuts? Similar? Is that evidence of 
powerful electric or magnetic processes having been applied to the stones? 

- Rick


From: MSF <> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:EVOs, Hutchison, and ancient megalithic tech


This is one of my favorite subjects. Not Hutchison, but speculation about how 
the ancients were able to cut and transport those huge blocks of stone. It 
might be that electrical effects are involved, but I'm not sure that's 
necessary. Hutchison effects might be real, but those videos he made had some 
rather obvious primitive video fakery. At least that's my opinion.


Here's an experiment I did longer ago than I care to remember. It's simplicity 
itself. I epoxied a small DC motor to the top of a brick and placed it in a 
sandbox. The motor had an eccentric weight attached to the shaft. Connected to 
the motor was a variable DC power supply. Obviously, the frequency of vibration 
could be controlled by varying the current to the motor. As the RPM of the 
motor increased to a certain level, the brick began to move. Depending upon 
small adjustments of the current, the brick might rotate in one direction or 
the other or shift slightly. When stabilized, the brick could be moved with the 
touch of a finger. 


You could see light under the brick through the oscillating sand. This doesn't 
exactly constitute levitation, but you could see how it could be interpreted 
that way. There are so many ways of creating sonic frequencies, it's hard to 
say how ancient peoples did it.


There you have it. I encourage anyone reading this to replicate my little 
experiment and tell us what happened.

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