Jed Rothwell continues his high-bandwidth falsehoods.

First, Rothwell got the papers in title before ICCF10, in follow-up by email,
in the listing FROM ICCF10, and thereafter over and over and over.
Caught in his lies, he again changes the subject, but cannot tell
the truth.

Second, at least some of those who contacted me about the Storms-Rothwell
censorship at the misnamed LENR/CANR website, DID contact at least
one of them.

Third, there is the following outright bogus Rothwell rant.

Rothwell: "1. Oral presentations do not count. Do these papers exist in writing?"

The proof that Rothwell is utterly disingenuous is that he was personally handed
each of these papers (the papers, and not just the censored titles removed from the
"List of Titles") when as a courtesy I drove him from Dr. Eugene Mallove's funeral
in New Hampshire to Boston near the Boston Commons.
The transfer of the papers in-hand to the disingenuous and
ungrateful Rothwell was witnessed by people astonished at his
claim, "Do these papers exist in writing?" His disingenuity is amazing.

I could respond to the rest of Rothwell's cornucopia of falsehoods but they
would just continue to flow. In cold fusion, we are very disappointed that Rothwell
has continued to hurt the field for so long with his inaccurate posts,
his constant disassembling of the truth, and his occasional bogus whopper calculation
predictably followed by attacks on any scientist who might happen to catch his error.

Dr. Mitchell Swartz


  The COLD FUSION TIMES - the Uncensored cold fusion site

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