Jones made an interesting comment regarding ceramics in his post. One of my objectives in studying the various threads in this group is try to keep current on material sciences as it relates to the wonderful new quasi metal-ceramic technology emerging. Our industry has so many new products in theory stage waiting for these promising strange and wondeful new materials.
For example.. an ultra high speed flywheel design awaits the material that can withstand the rotational forces in excess of 250 thousand RPM. To be economically feasible a compact flywheel would need to exceed 750 thousand RPM. Shazzaam! an energy storage unit.
I actually enjoy the crabbing back and forth between the posters because in science there has never been anything quite like the internet for open and free discussion.. err.. well perhaps a well placed kick to the shins <grin>.
Way back in the stone age ( 1950's ) we used to sit around talking about the future, dreaming up  great things to build. One was a suitcase one man heliocopter that could fly nonstop from Houston and back from San Antonio Texas. The copter we envisioned was powered by a small flywheel, it was flown by computer ( mind you there were NO computers), the rotors were opposing rotation driven by a stepless variable speed differential torque proportioning box consisting of a variation of a ceramic composite type of air bearing having self lubricating qualities. The rotor blades would achieve a hardness by centripital forces creating post tension permitting feathering control. The rotor blade would unfurl like the material of an old fashion venetian blind. No tail rotor would be required because the opposite rotation of the rotors would be feathered and proportionally controlled plus the  rotor assembly would tilt for direction control.
Today, 50 years later, the only thing  awaiting is the ceramic-metal materials technology. The Hutchinson Effect website is another hint toward that possibliity. Interesting that some years later I read Joel Chptr 2 about an army of locusts that do not jostle each other .. enter through the window. Made me consider that it was a description of a one man copter with a plastic windshield shaped like a grasshoppers head.. hmmm
The most enjoyable component of this group is the self discipline that is demonstrated . Fuss if you may, BUT at the end of the day forgive , remembering that opposing opinions may both be technically correct, just different.


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