I have been slaving away at this book, "Cold Fusion and Future." I think it is just about finished, although the final decision will be made by Soo. I am hoping to make one final big push this weekend. My daughter is coming home from college today, and I plan to meet her at the station, thrust a manuscript into her hands, and tell her to get to work proofreading. (My wife has other plans for her -- something about Christmas shopping.)

If anyone would like to assist, I would be grateful. It is difficult to spot errors in text that you have read dozens of times before. You tend to overlook them. For example I just found this sentence:

"A space elevator is long cable, made of carbon filament, running from the ground straight up to a satellite in geostationary earth orbit . . ."

It is missing an "a":

"A space elevator is a long cable . . ."

(I tend to leave out words such as "a" and "the," perhaps under the influence of Japanese. I thought I did that only in writing, but now that I use voice input extensively, I see that I really talk that way.)

Anyway, contact me if you would like a copy now. I have two versions in Acrobat format: a 6 MB low resolution copy, and a 17 MB high-resolution copies suitable for printing.

I printed a black-and-white copy at Office Depot for $12, plus $3 to bind it. Unfortunately, a color copy costs a small fortune.I am beginning to think it was not such a great idea to include all these color figures and graphs. I have no plans to print hardcopy versions, or sell the book, although Soo is anxious to do that. I think it costs too much to print copies, and I do not think there is any market for a book about cold fusion.

- Jed

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