I think people here must be spreading the word about the book, because downloads increased from around 15 per day to 35 yesterday, and 35 more today (so far). Thank you everyone. Obviously, I have no advertising budget, and word-of-mouth is the only way to promote the book -- or the web site, for that matter.

I have not tried to promote LENR-CANR much, mainly because I cannot think of how to promote it, but also because most of the papers are only of interest to a narrow range of people, and I figure most of the audience will hear about it through normal channels. And via Google, of course. The book, on the other hand, is supposed to appeal to the general public, so I think it needs more of a concerted outreach. Also, the book is not something you would go looking for with Google. A person interested in "cold fusion" and "neutrons" will soon do a web search and find LENR-CANR.org, but not many people have thought to look for the subjects grouped together in the book.

Nine people have ordered printed copies. I ordered them on January 5, so they should arrive any day now. I am a little surprised anyone wants a copy. I assumed nobody would want to order a book for $25 that they can have for free over the Internet.

By the way, if you would like to print it, I recommend you can put it on a CD-ROM and bring it to Kinko's or Office Depot. They can print and bind a black-and-white copy in about 10 minutes, for $14.

- Jed

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