Creationism vs. Darwinism..
My simple mind looks at a 3 dollar wind up pocket watch ( Mickey Mouse type preferred) and a yardstick and ponders.
If I wind up the watch and as it runs I witness the beginning of a measure of time.. or ..did time exist before I started the watch?
Next. I have a ladder that has legs that can  extend to infinite height. Taking the yard stick , I began measuring height by the yard . How long would it take me to measure to the "top" ?
If the watch never stops.. regardless of how much time  elapses, that interval will NEVER equal the amount of time that had passed BEFORE the watch was started. Same for the yardstick. Regardless of how much "height" is measured. it will NEVER equal the distance below the point at which you began measuring.
As idiotic as this post reads, it makes a point. That being you can theorize evolution vs creationalism forever and still miss the evidence staring you in the face.
Time is... length is. explain its origin.


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