At 12:09 PM 1/18/5, thomas malloy wrote:

>You people need to visit J C Whitney's website and look for a gas
>powered heater. I'm glad to hear that only a few of you are freezing
>to death in your cars!

Actually, so few people freeze here because they enough common sense to
carry emergency arctic gear.  It is much better to have a good sleeping bag
and shovel than a gas heater.  Sleeping bags don't run out of gas.  As for
day to day, most people here have big hulking gas hogs that have no problem
providing lots of heat.  If you drive an ordinary car, like I do, you have
trouble seeing it in a parking lot because so many vehicles are SUVs and
trucks.  The major problem will come when folks are forced to change to low
gas milage vehicles.  Hybrid vehicles will have no appeal here.  That is
the problem I am trying to address.  Throwing more hydrocarbon energy at a
hydrocarbon energy problem is not a solution.


Horace Heffner          

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