At 12:46 pm 29-01-05 +0000, you wrote:
>At 08:20 pm 28-01-05 -0500, Colin Quinney wrote:
>>>The following Hutchison Effect forum post is beyond belief, 
>> but then again after Bill Beaty's wandering stir stick, who knows? : 
>> <>

I have now read George Hathaway's Hutchison File.pdf
and there can be no question in my mind that the effects
are genuine enough. The tragedy is the Hutchison is
so disorganized and seemingly incapable of carrying out
the scientific investigation needed to coerce skeptics
to recognise the reality of the Hutchison effect. But then
I suppose if he had adopted the conventional scientific
approach he would never have stumbled on the effect in 
the first place.

In my own case, I remember how difficult it was to devise
experiments which would demonstrate the reality of 
Beta-atmospheric pressure. Even after writing the Southampton
Material Conference and Speculation in Science and Technology 
papers, I only believed in B-a pressure intellectually. It took 
many years for me to "brainwash" myself into believing in it 
emotionally. Only then was I was able to device the crucial 
experiments described in the book chapter.

I suppose the situation is similar to trying to convince 
the man on the Clapham omnibus that air is pressing on 
every square inch of his body with a force equal to the
weight of a gallon and a half of water. We assume that when
Otto demonstrated the existence of air pressure with his
semi-spheres pulled apart by horses that everyone was an
immediate believer in Alpha-atmospheric pressure. But I
bet the number of people he convinced at the time was 

As for levitation etc., consider this. If one could 
manipulate air pressure around object so as to impale
straws in doors, just think what one can achieve by
manipulating Beta-atmosphere pressure.

If UFO's exist - and personally, I don't believe that they
do - then it seems pretty obvious to me that they must 
have discovered how to "fly" through the Beta-atmosphere
in an analogous fashion to the way we fly through the
Alpha-atmosphere. They must have also recognised (as 
Ing.Saviour and I do - see the posts on his Yahoo site)
that Newton was mistaken in thinking that inertial mass
was a measure of matter and not merely a property of 
matter analogous to temperature though on a very much
finer scale. This means that UFO passengers can
be shielded from Beta-atmospheric inertial effects
in an analogous way to that in which airline passengers
are insulated from Alpha-atmospheric effects. If they
weren't the enormous accelerations involved would spread
them like strawberry jam on the internal walls of the UFO.  8-)



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