Given a moment to reflect on ALL of the
circumstances...DUH... one should always "follow the buck"
first and ask questions later.

> Even so, it was a big mistake, and typical mainstream
> arrogance, that in all the publicity that Taleyarkhan
> recieved (riding on the ORNL coat-tails) that he did not
> credit nor even mention the extraordinary contributions to
> the field of sonfusion from former vortex contributor Ross
> Tessien, founder of Impulse Devices, and Dr. Gaitan the
> chief scientist (nor did he mention Knuke either, but
> have !).

Should have mentioned Russ George also, as Ed suggests...

I forgot to mention that since incorporation, IDI has
received over 20 patents and expects even more. "Our patent
attorneys are Townsend & Townsend in San Francisco, one of
the nation's best patent law firms," Tessien told one

Yup. They are probably THE best, not one of the best, and
that is also probably why they have either threatened
litigation or asked for a cease and desist order against
ORNL, and why ORNL, which has its own hefty staff of IP
professionals, does not, and will not, acknowledge the prior
art (until a court order, or some settlement, that is)....
one cannot imagine that there is no possibility of
infringement here with this many patents floating around.

All this high level legal maneuvering and yet... Bob Park
thinks it is still pathological science, with no basis in

Follow the Buck, Bob...


BTW is it for certain that this show is a "put-down"? The
Beeb is usually rather circumspect about that kind of thing.

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