" Yellow or alpha-antimony is formed when antimony hydride SbH3 is treated with ozonized O2
at - 90 C: 4 SbH3 + 3 O2 <---> 4 Sb + 6 H2O. This passes to black antimony on exposure to light.
It is not clear whether or not black antimony is an intermediate form between alpha and beta-antimony.
The metastable variety is said to be made by the rapid cooling of antimony vapour.
Under these conditions an amorphous black powder is obtained with a specific gravity 5.3.
This variety slowly passes into rhombohedral antimony at 100 degrees and rapidly at 400 degrees
Gore (1855) found that if a current of electricity is passed through a solution of antimony trichloride
in hydrochloric acid---using an antimony anode, and a platinum cathode---an amorphous powder
of specific gravity of 5.78 is deposited on the cathode. The cathode has the appearance of a smooth
polished graphite rod. The deposit appears to be solid solution of antimony trichloride in metastable alpha-antimony.
If this deposit be rubbed or scratched, an explosion occurs
The explosion is attended by the allotropic transformation of then metastable or alpha-form of
antimony into the stable beta-form or the rhombohedral variety, at the same time the temperature rises to
about 250 degrees C, and 19,600 calories of heat are evolved per gram of antimony.
Clouds of antimony trichloride are given off at the same time.
Hence the term Explosive Antimony is given to a solid solution( 4 to 12 percent )
of the trihalide in alpha-antimony."
The heat of combustion of H2 + 1/2 O2 is 54,000 calories per mole (18 grams) , or 3.000 calories per gram
The 19,600 calories per gram released by Explosive Antimony is over 6 times this.
What role does Hydrogen play at the cathode, during electrolysis?
LENR-CANR Connection?   Hydrinos too?

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