how...  does that refute darwinian theory?  at the point that humans
took control of the environment, we no longer had to adapt as much to
survive, therefore one WOULDNT assume that we are simply more
intelligent than previous humans, we simply know more.

take your personal biases OUT of a science discussion, please.

On 4/24/05, RC Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems antiquity is loaded with examples of engineering and architectural
> works that have us thinking that perhaps the people of that age were
> intelligent beings and had not degenerated which seems to contradict the
> Darwinian theorists.
> Jones.. look at the ceiling construction.
> Back to Egyptian pyramids.. The scope of teh work and technology required
> leaves me wondering how much of ancient history is missing.. we actually
> know or understand so little. Take the library of Alexandria in Egypt that
> was sacked and burned in later BC. The Greeks recorded the library contained
> 70,000 years of records. The Egyptians scoffed at Grecian works and
> architecture explaining they ( Egypt) has a history eons before Greece
> existed.
> Richard

"Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to
make it possible for you to continue to write"  Voltaire

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