Jed wrote:

> Mike Carrell wrote:
> >The testatika machine has been supplying power to the Methernitha colony
> >for years also; many have seen it a documented it and it is conveniently
> >ignored...
> All the documentation of this device that I have seen proves absolutely
> nothing. It consists of hearsay, blurry photographs, crackpot theories and
> some kind of religious cult. Supposedly the colony keeps the device secret
> for the same reason Correa once offered: they think mankind is not worthy
> of their discovery.
> You can find any amount of this kind of "information" about the
> gadget on the Internet, starting at their own website:
> Every scrap of this information tied together is still not worth spit.
> goes for all of the other magic magnetic motors and perpetual motion
> machines, as far as I know.

Jed's usual disclaimer. I can say that I attended a lecture by a person with
physicist credentials at Temple University some years ago who had video and
pictures of the device, and stated that he has personally witnessed a
demonstration. I cna agree with Jed that the videos, etc., are worthless
documentation, as the web site image of the Finsrud ball rolling around.
It's a very pretty and interesting mobile structure, but in itself 'proves'

Mike Carrell

> - Jed

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